A happy-go-lucky English rambler dude goes to New Zealand for a year. Here he interfaces with some of those he left behind and details his nefarious activities. Or summat.
Recently clicked on MP3s - 7th June 2005 The Lucksmiths - Warmer Corners
Jens Lekman - When i said i wanted to be your dog
The Trashcan Sinatras - Weightlifting
Teenage Fanclub - Man Made
Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier
The Decemberists - Picaresque
The Eels - Blinking Lights
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Just thought i'd share something i learnt today with you all.
Never give anything to charity shops before checking what it's worth on on ebay. Some of the old Carp fishing books i gave away a few weeks ago are apparently worth about £50 each, as they're all out of print. ARSEBURGER!
I would tell you the titles, but i've ordered Mother off on a reconaisance mission first thing tomorrow morning, hopefully to go and buy them back. So everyone stay away from the RSPCA and Age Concern shops in Birstall tomorrow OK? I've got first dibs.
1:57 am