A happy-go-lucky English rambler dude goes to New Zealand for a year. Here he interfaces with some of those he left behind and details his nefarious activities. Or summat.
Photo Galleries
Snow Shoeing, Andorra 2004New!
Cycling in the Peak District, August 2003
Various nice Canadian pics, August 2002
Cycling round Vancouver, August 2002
Scotland March 2003
Mount TaranakiTongariro Crossing
Heaphy track / Alex&Jo's visit
Mount Cloudsley / Enys
More Cricket
Mount Edward
Sanjays visit & The Cricket
Castle Hill Peak
Mum & Dad's visit
James' visit
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Lost on Wahi peak
Mount Cook trip
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Recently clicked on MP3s - 7th June 2005
The Lucksmiths - Warmer Corners
Jens Lekman - When i said i wanted to be your dog
The Trashcan Sinatras - Weightlifting
Teenage Fanclub - Man Made
Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier
The Decemberists - Picaresque
The Eels - Blinking Lights

On-Line Chums
Jimmy the Saint
Super Pablo
Ted's Sister

Semi-Random Linkage
New Excelsior Hostel, Christchurch
Belle And Sebastian
Candle Records
The Lucksmiths
Flaming Lips
Birstall Running Club
Runners World
Work, Work, Work
Life Cycle
The Kinkster
John Hegley
Bill Drummond
La Fromental (Excellent French B&B)
Richard Long. Artist.
Nifty Online Image Resizer
The Red Room
Hello Stick Cricket. Goodbye Productivity
Pictures on walls

Mountains recently bothered
Pico del Pedro (2715m)
The Cobbler (884m)
Kinder Scout (636m)
Grouse Mountain (1300m)
Mauna Kea (4207m)
Mount Taranaki (2518m)


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Ted In The O.Z.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002  
Shock horror probe: Ted posts to his webshite!

Sorry it's been so many eons since i last wrote anything here, but i've been going through a fairly crappy period in life, and haven't really had the emotional energy to come up with much positive stuff to write about. Does that sound a bit melodramatic? Maybe. Anyway, if you know me, you'll know what i'm on about, and if you don't, you don't want to know about it, honestly.

Reasons to be cheerful?

Firstly i've got a job! Not an entirely good thing i know, especially as the company i work for doesn't operate the same punctuality guidlines as Z-Web (i.e. Turn up after you get bored of watching the Shortland Street re-runs in the morning!). No, i have to be in for 9am sharp, or..., well i'm not sure what, because amazingly after 3 weeks i've not been late once. Whodathunkit?

Having a bit of cash coming in has meant i've been able to indulge some of my more bizarre tastes in life. No, not the bathful of live eels and mushy peas i'm always talking about, but the music of the Lucksmiths and Darren Hanlon. After several months of heavy rotation, i'm still not sick of either of them, so i thought it was about time i supported Candle records, and actually bought some (well, all) of their cd's (Mail order from Melbourne, as the rather backward music distributors in the UK don't share my enthusiasm for them). And there can't be many record labels in the world, where the 'CEO' parcels up the cd's and signs the customs label, but that's another reason to love them. Probably not according to Bobnoxious, who recently described the music of Darren Hanlon as 'Indie Spaz'. But i think that's just his guilt complex showing through, trying to cover up his own 'Indie spaz' crimes commited back in the heyday of Indie Spazziness.

Another Melbourne related reason to be extremely cheerful is that i'm not a drug dealer who has annoyed Mark 'Chopper' Read. I got volume 1 of his autobiography for my birthday, and you really wouldn't believe the number of nasty things he's done to the Melbourne gangsters over the years. Bashings, houses burnt down, ears cut off (Oh hang on, he cut his own ears off), feet blow-torched, hands nailed to coffee tables etc, etc. Just as well i kept my nose clean during the week i was there. Bizarrely, he's gone on to do a Road Safety advert (He's persuaded me!), and a children's book!

In an effort to appear slightly bad-ass myself (Not quite as bad in the ass department as Chopper however), and to keep motivated to stay fit, i've applied to do the London Marathon next year. At the moment I can run about 10k's before i start feeling a bit odd, and my heart rate monitor gives me less than a week to live. So i do need to get out a bit more than i have been, but the dark & wet at this time of year aren't all that appealing. If anyone likes the idea of running in endless circles around the local gravel pits, i'd love to have training partner. And as a bonus I could entertain you with endless Carp related anecdotes from my youth, as i used to go fishing in the area. Not to mention getting bombed on Tennents Super and MerryDown cider (Usually whilst fishing).

Ho hum. Time for bed. I'll leave the final word to Uncle Chopper.

"You won't like the smell of your own feet burning. No-one ever does."

Sweet dreams!

To the human filth that I have bashed, belted, iron barred, axed, shot, stabbed, knee capped, set on fire and driven to their graves...I regret nothing

2:31 am  

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