A happy-go-lucky English rambler dude goes to New Zealand for a year. Here he interfaces with some of those he left behind and details his nefarious activities. Or summat.
Photo Galleries
Snow Shoeing, Andorra 2004New!
Cycling in the Peak District, August 2003
Various nice Canadian pics, August 2002
Cycling round Vancouver, August 2002
Scotland March 2003
Mount TaranakiTongariro Crossing
Heaphy track / Alex&Jo's visit
Mount Cloudsley / Enys
More Cricket
Mount Edward
Sanjays visit & The Cricket
Castle Hill Peak
Mum & Dad's visit
James' visit
Xmas / New Year
Lost on Wahi peak
Mount Cook trip
Random NZ Pics
Recently clicked on MP3s - 7th June 2005
The Lucksmiths - Warmer Corners
Jens Lekman - When i said i wanted to be your dog
The Trashcan Sinatras - Weightlifting
Teenage Fanclub - Man Made
Laura Veirs - Carbon Glacier
The Decemberists - Picaresque
The Eels - Blinking Lights

On-Line Chums
Jimmy the Saint
Super Pablo
Ted's Sister

Semi-Random Linkage
New Excelsior Hostel, Christchurch
Belle And Sebastian
Candle Records
The Lucksmiths
Flaming Lips
Birstall Running Club
Runners World
Work, Work, Work
Life Cycle
The Kinkster
John Hegley
Bill Drummond
La Fromental (Excellent French B&B)
Richard Long. Artist.
Nifty Online Image Resizer
The Red Room
Hello Stick Cricket. Goodbye Productivity
Pictures on walls

Mountains recently bothered
Pico del Pedro (2715m)
The Cobbler (884m)
Kinder Scout (636m)
Grouse Mountain (1300m)
Mauna Kea (4207m)
Mount Taranaki (2518m)


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Ted In The O.Z.
Monday, December 17, 2001  
er, hello - is anyone still there?

Apologies for the rampant ignorance i've shown to this Blog which Boney so thoughtfully set up. However, inspired by the entertainment i've had reading the Bone-meisters' Blog, i've decided to pay a bit more attention to my own. Though having said that, you've been a bit slack lately haven't ye Craig?

I've also got free internet access via my job which makes writing stuff on here seem a bit more appealing.

Well, skipping the last few months....... On Friday night i achieved a long held ambition - To watch the Big Lebowski, and match the dude White Russian for White Russian. Which meant drinking 6 as far as I can 'remember' :-S Not to mention the Wine & Mac's Gold (NZ's premier lager style beverage) we'd had before hand.
I was accomanied all the way in this Booze marathon by Michael (My Aussie, Limnologist flatmate), Alison (Pro boozer sister) and Mark (The World's most widely travelled West Brom supporter). I felt that i'd fared as well as anyone on the Christchurch W.R. Marathon, but the next day showed me to be the wuss that i am - all i was capable of the next day was moaning and wailing about how bad i felt (Which was quite bad), wheras Michael went out and did his X-mass shopping, and Alison did one of the most remarkable things imaginable.......

After 2/3 hours kip, she drove the 6 HOURS to Queenstown (After failing to persuade Mark to come - a fellow wuss), and slapped her cash down to do NZ's highest Bungy jump the next day, featuring no less than 8.3 seconds of freefall, from 134metres - SheCrazyMadStupid!

I did perk up enough to go out and play Pool terribly and drink a couple of Cokes, with Jo, Michael and Mark, but even that was more than i fancied, when i knew we had another (see post below) Mountain Biking session planned for Sunday.

I turned out though that an hour or so of sweating my arse off, peddling up to a pass on the Port Hills (In super hot conditions) was just what the doctor ordered, and i even summoned up the energy to put in a Lance Armstrong-esque burst to try and be first to the top, but sadly Michael put in a slightly better one soon after, and I turned out to be Jan Ullrich instead :-(

After plenty more ups and downs along the Summit road, and some super gnarly tracks, we wizzed down the hill into Sumner, the local Home&Away style resort, and crashed out on the beach with Ice creams and sore arses :-D The perfect end to a somewhat up&down weekend.

Meanwhile.... Alison's bungy went according to plan, ie she bounced, rather than splatted, and apparently was even complimented on her dive, which i have to say was the only part of James' recent "Bungy for World Peas" that could be faulted ;-)

8:14 am  

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